Superior Coffee that is Singularly Delicious.

As any coffee connoisseur or fanatic can tell you – the intricacies of creating the perfect cup can seem complicated and complex.  There are roasting processes and temperatures to consider, brewing methods and grind to ponder, and there is the delicate balance between bitterness and acidity to take into account – however, there is one type of coffee that is universally loved by enthusiasts and aficionados alike:  Single-origin Coffee.

Single-origin coffee is exactly what it sounds like – coffee that has been produced and harvested from one single place, whether that is from a specific farm or a country.  Unlike the mass-market beans that are produced by blending beans from everywhere throughout the world for the lowest price, single-origin coffee delivers a consistent flavor and sensory experience that is unique to the region it originates from.  The result?  A flavor experience that is exclusive to that area.  For instance, our Ethiopian single-origin coffee delivers bright berry notes and lovely chocolate flavors to boost your morning, while our decadent Sumatra coffee features warm, sweet flavors that are complex and smooth.  For those who are looking for a consistently delicious, high-quality coffee experience, single-origin coffee delivers.

Beyond the tremendous flavor and sensory experience unique to single-origin coffee, the environmental impact and economic importance of supporting single regions and farms is another exquisite reason coffee lovers consistently reach for these beans.  Single-origin coffee helps reduce the overall carbon footprint of each cup of coffee.  Instead of shipping beans throughout the world to be blended in a third-party facility, the beans are farmed, cultivated, and produced by one team of caring professionals.  This also provides an economic support to the region and the farmers that is simply lacking from mass-produced, subpar blended coffee. 

So, why single-origin coffee?  Simple.  The flavor is consistently sublime.  The quality is outstanding.  The sustainability exceeds all industry standards.  The farmers are supported and rewarded for their work and expertise.  The true question is, why wouldn’t you drink single-origin coffee?

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